Everyone is welcome to these regular enjoyable lunches - members & non-member, men & women.
Guest Speaker: John Weller, The Organisation of U3A, Group Activities for the Retired
Date: Monday 15th May 2023
Venue: North Wilts Golf Club, Blacklands, SN10 2LP.
We will be holding our CWCC AGM after lunch and would welcome you to join us then too.
Please complete & return your booking form (see below) with payment & we will see you very soon. Please note, Annual Membership Fees are also due and I would be grateful if you would include it with the lunch booking (deadline 11th May 2023). We decided to just make it £5 this year & as you know, this is to cover our costs for our speakers & the tip for the golf club staff.
For further details please contact Mrs Janet Giles [email protected]
Please note that payment with booking for all CWCC lunches is essential.