Dear Members,
Despite the headwinds from Europe, our Conservative-led Government is continuing with its rescue mission for the British economy - dealing with the huge deficit that we inherited after 13 years of economic mismanagement and relentlessly focusing on growth. All over Wiltshire and all over the country are businesses that are thriving and growing and for the first time in many years we have a Government that will stand up for the private sector and enterprise. Just as importantly, we are reforming the welfare system so that work always pays more than welfare and completely changing the education system so that our children are taught real subjects and encouraged to focus on real skills that will help them find a job.
Above all we have a Government and a Prime Minister prepared to stand up for Britain’s interests in Europe- and not before time!
Cleaning up Labour’s mess was always going to be difficult but we should be in good heart. There are tough decisions to take but they are being taken in a way that is compassionate, fair and looks to the future. I am so proud to be a Conservative, and above all, to represent you and the people of this wonderful Constituency. Thank you so much for your support and may I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
What currently matters most to Britain’s national interest is that the Eurozone sorts out its problems. We have seen a chilling effect on our economy for the past 18 months, and the longer the crisis continues, the more it will damage us.
Resolving the crisis requires three things. First, there needs to be much tighter fiscal discipline and closer fiscal co-ordination within the Eurozone to restore market confidence and stop unmanageable debt and deficits occurring all over again. Second, the Eurozone should take whatever action is necessary to prevent a second global credit crunch. Third, we need to see improved competitiveness, especially in the euro-area economies that are struggling to grow.
David Cameron was absolutely correct to wield the UK veto which blocked plans for a new EU treaty, and he should be praised for standing up for Britain and refusing to be bullied or browbeaten by France and Germany.
Now, leaders across the Eurozone need to get on with stabilising the euro however they can, maybe they should start with a sensible assessment of the baggage dragging the Eurozone down. Perhaps they should start by telling Greece her time is up.
Follow Julie on Twitter @juliegirling
It has been a difficult and challenging year for the Unitary council. Severe cuts in the grant we receive from government, a freeze on council tax and other reductions in our income have required us to make substantial financial savings to maintain our front line services at an acceptable level.
It is to the credit of the conservative administration, and the devotion of our officers, that, unlike the majority of other councils, we have not only maintained services but we are also investing appreciable amounts in those that matter most to our residents. We are investing in the care of our increasing elderly population, in the care of our vulnerable children and the leisure facilities that help keep our residents healthy.
Difficult, and sometimes unwelcome, decisions have been made to facilitate these investments. We have reduced the number of managers and other staff and restructured the top level of command even to the extent of abolishing the post of chief executive, a decision being now considered by at least one other authority. Wiltshire leads the way!
We are also leading to implement David Cameron’s “Big Society” by increasingly working with our communities to enable them not only to take decisions relevant to their local needs through our innovative Area Boards but also to better able to work together in ways less reliant on public services and support.
I am confident that Wiltshire will be a leader in meeting the challenges that the next few years will demand of local government.
Promoted by Mike Smith and printed by Devizes Constituency Conservative Association, all of 116, High Street, Marlborough, Wiltshire. SN8 1LZ.