Devizes Constituency Community Fund (DCCF)

The Devizes Constituency Community Fund (DCCF) is a non-political charitable fund set up on the initiative of our MP Danny Kruger, purely to support local charities and causes in our constituency. The fund is administered by the Wiltshire Community Foundation.

We need your support!

Currently there are several local charities and causes in our constituency that desperately need help. Many constituents will have been severely affected by the Cost of Living Crisis and there is more demand than ever from local food banks, mental health services, and projects supporting the vulnerable and elderly.

So PLEASE donate generously to this very worthy cause on your doorstep by calling 01380 738989 or online using the button below.

          Local Giving page:

          Donate today!

Projects the DCCF has funded so far

Love Devizes Projects £20,000 -
£2,000 for activities addressing social inclusion and isolation and associated issues present in the town.
£6,000 for Devizes Child Contact Centre, to support children whose in the event of relationship breakdown.
£12,000 is designated for Youth Mentor/Chaplain based at Devizes School. We have received strong endorsement of this support from the School.

1st Devizes Scout Group £1,000 -

To purchase tents and archery equipment

Home Start Kennet £1,000

To support families with children under the age of 5

Help Counselling Services £1,000 -

To their service providing mental health services

Dorothy House Hospice £1,000 -

To provide counselling services for bereaved young people

Yellow Brick Road Projects £3,000 -

To fund outreach programmes for young people at risk of homelessness

Family Counselling Trust Wiltshire £3,000 -

To provide counselling and therapy for children, young people and families

Wiltshire Museum £195.80

Partnership project with the Youth Offending Team using graffiti art to engage young people at risk of offending or exploitation

West Lavington Youth Club £500 -

To support twice weekly activities for young people in West Lavington, Market Lavington and Easterton

Devizes Opendoors £500 -

To provide drop in sessions for homeless or insecurley housed people in Devizes, offering opportunities to wash, launder clothes and receive support and advice
